Oh no, these aren't mine. These are the toys Mom and I saw at the shelves of Toy Kingdom at SM Megamall. Mommy took photos of them saying it makes her want to be a kid again. To let you all know, Mommy loves Barbie and she misses the one and only barbie she ever had. She said a classmate from 2nd year HS borrowed it from her and never returned it. =(
She dreamed of buying at least one Barbie a month before but whenever she has the money for it, she realizes that there are other things she can buy...things that she NEED more than she WANT. That's how she explains the difference of want from need to me. She still wants these stuff but is very hesitant to get me one as well. Why? Check out the price tag! Ha ha! But she promised to check out the upcoming December warehouse sale. I hope there's Baby Alive there too, for my sissy.