MGR#11 Bad Hair Day

It was my 2nd cousin Vin Ethienne's 4th birthday last week. He had fun celebrating it at school and so as at home. I still remember when he was just a year old, my Titas told me that he looks like my Mom when Mommy was still little. Now, Vin looks more like his own Mommy, Tita Divine.
Vin Ethienne @ 4

We had so much fun during his birthday celebration at home because my other 2nd cousins, Rham & Ate Jhaz were there too. Plus, some of my classmates were their neighbor too. We had real fun horse playing, laughing and making fun of our luminous bracelets.
I used mine as a crown. He he! Meet the luminous queen... oopps! It's a bad hair day for me. What a mess!

Pink At Baguio

I was just 3 years old when this photo was taken. We were at Baguio that time to celebrate my Mommy's birthday.

Mommy in striped Purple blouse and me in Pink tee & shorts. My Pink shades has Disney Princesses design in it. We can no longer locate the shades to have Roey wear it. Mommy said she must have thrown it away if it broke or must have given it to a younger baby than I am whom she can no longer remember.

Actually, I am wishing to go back to Baguio so I can enjoy it more with my sister, Roey.

Life and then Som